Secretary, Kim: 07947126676
Mr Jason Nandlal
Consultant Podiatric Surgeon
Foot Surgery | Consultant Podiatric Surgeon | Essex | London
Bunion (Hallux Valgus) Surgery
What are Bunions?
Bunions are bony bumps that protrude out of the normal parameters of the joint of the big toe. Typically, these can be swollen, painful, callused and uncomfortable. Bunions are caused by the malalignment of the big toe joint causing the toe to grow out at an angle. The cause of bunions is not known exactly but the following factors can contribute: family history of bunions (genetics), type of footwear worn, some types of arthritis and biomechanical factors. A bunion refers specifically to the bony prominence caused by Hallux Valgus. In some cases, a large sack of fluid can form over the enlarged joint causing it to become inflamed and painful. In some cases, smaller bunions can also form on the outside of the little toe joint, these are also known as Tailors bunions and are treated similarly to normal bunions by way of surgical intervention.
Day case surgical intervention
‘Bunionectomy’ is the term used for surgical removal of a bunion. These procedures are best performed by a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon who is specially trained in the surgical treatment of conditions of the foot and ankle. Mr Jason Nandlal has performed over 7000 ‘bunionectomies’ throughout his career. Surgery to remove a bunion is undertaken as a day case procedure under local anaesthetic with or without sedation.
Recovery and bone healing generally takes around 6-8 weeks. Modern fixation techniques mean that there is no need for a plaster cast anymore. It takes a full year to see the full resolution.