Secretary, Kim: 07947126676
Mr Jason Nandlal
Consultant Podiatric Surgeon
Foot Surgery | Consultant Podiatric Surgeon | Essex | London
Mr Jason Nandlal
Foot and Ankle Surgery and Treatment
London and Essex

Mr Jason Nandlal is a specialist in foot and ankle problems
since 1985. He has been and NHS Clinical Lead Consultant Podiatric Surgeon
in Essex since 2003. He is Clinical Director for Podiatric Surgery
at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
From ingrowing toenails, bunion correction, Heel pain,
Sports Injuries to complex reconstructive foot surgery
for all ages.
He Is based in Essex and North London
Facemed-Crays Hill
The Phoenix Chelmsford Hospital-Baddow
BMI Hendon NW London
BMI Cavell Enfield
BMI Kings Oak Enfield
All hospitals have modern operating theatres and treatment
rooms. All preoperative imaging is available onsite including
X ray and Ultrasound MRI Scan and CT. Overnight stay is
available and a full range of anaesthesia from local blocks to
full general anaesthesia, as well as sedation and spinal
anaesthesia from consultant anaesthetists.
Mr Nandlal has a fully audited practice with all outcomes
available for any procedure or condition.